Model: sg1315
With lakhs of aspirants competing to be a part of India's premier engineering schools, preparation for JEE Main demands systematic mastery of all the subjects of the test with paramount importance to problem-solving. JEE Main is a gateway examination for candidates expecting to seek admission in eng..
Rs.380.00 Rs.450.00
Ex Tax:Rs.380.00
Model: SGBc78
Laboratory Manual Biology Class 11th by VP Aggarwal ..
Rs.133.00 Rs.308.00
Ex Tax:Rs.133.00
Model: SGCb155
Laboratory Manual Physics Class 11 By Rs Mittal..
Rs.208.00 Rs.350.00
Ex Tax:Rs.208.00
Model: SGCb187
Sailent features of the book are as follows: The language used is simple, lucid and easy to understand by students. The basic concepts underlying various experiments and activities have been thoroughly explained. The procedural steps to be followed in various experiments have been systematically and..
Rs.200.00 Rs.350.00
Ex Tax:Rs.200.00
Model: sga1105
Mathematics (Including Value Based Questions) Class- XI - Vol. I & II In Two Volumes Set2017 by M.L. Aggarwal ..
Rs.340.00 Rs.725.00
Ex Tax:Rs.340.00
Model: sgaa1241cha17
Mathematics Exemplar Class 11th is useful for cbse students also for various competitive exams and Interviews ..
Rs.56.00 Rs.140.00
Ex Tax:Rs.56.00
Model: sga850
Mathematics for Class 11 by RD Sharma for CBSE Students ..
Rs.250.00 Rs.495.00
Ex Tax:Rs.250.00
Model: SGCb185
Mathematics Laboratory Activity Book Class 11 by Sanjeev Verma..
Rs.152.00 Rs.230.00
Ex Tax:Rs.152.00
Model: sgaa40
Mathematics Ncert for Class11 for CBSE students , this second hand book is in very good condition ..
Rs.72.00 Rs.180.00
Ex Tax:Rs.72.00
Model: sga1313
Mathematics Class XI by R. D. Sharma is, as the name suggests, designed for the student of class 11, studying under the Central Board of Secondary Education. The book is highly reliable as it has been designed by a group of experts and teachers in the field. The problems in the book c..
Rs.238.00 Rs.445.00
Ex Tax:Rs.238.00
Model: sg1310
NCERT Exemplar Chemistry Problems - Solutions (Class 11) is a comprehensive book for students of standard XI studying in schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The book comprises chapters on structure of atom, classification of elements and periodicity of properties, ch..
Ex Tax:Rs.55.00
Model: SGBb2
NCERT Exemplar Problems – Solutions Physics, published by Arihant Publications, is a comprehensive book for Class XI students. It consists of an exhaustive collection of problems and solutions prescribed for engineering and medical competitive examinations. Continuing the tradition of its reliable s..
Rs.60.00 Rs.150.00
Ex Tax:Rs.60.00
Model: SGCb64
Many factors like, physical, psychological, socio-economic and cultural influence our health, both in our day-to-day life and in the long run. Health of children is very important as they constitute a large percentage of our population. In this endeavour, school education plays an important role. Ri..
Rs.146.00 Rs.195.00
Ex Tax:Rs.146.00
Model: SGCc48
NEET Study Material for NEET UG by DCM Group of Schools..
Rs.2,100.00 Rs.3,000.00
Ex Tax:Rs.2,100.00
Model: sg1026
New Era Biology Textbook for Class 11 (Part 1) (English, Paperback, A. K. Chaudhry, R. K. Pillai)..
Ex Tax:Rs.130.00
Model: sg1027
New Era Biology Textbook for Class 11 (Part 2) (English, Paperback, R. K. Pillai, A. K. Chaudhry)..
Ex Tax:Rs.380.00