Model: SGCi57
Electronic Devices and Circuits by SK Sahdev..
Rs.178.00 Rs.220.00
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Model: sg571
This text presents a comprehensive treatment of the operation, performance, applications, and limitations of both the digital and analog instruments normally encountered in an electronics laboratory. It also discusses in detail the techniques and methods used for measuring resistance, inductance, ca..
Ex Tax:Rs.102.00
Model: sga16724
Elements of Analog Electronics by JB Gupta..
Rs.106.00 Rs.265.00
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Model: sg13683
Table of ContentsOSI Reference Model and Network ArchitectureIntroduction to Physical LayerData TransmissionThe TCP/IP Reference ModelLocal Area NetworksWide Area Networks (WANs)Introduction to Network ManagementAppendicesModel Question PapersPrevious Years Question PapersBibliography..
Rs.110.00 Rs.275.00
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Model: sga16728
S. P. Seth’s Elements of Electromagnetic Fields, published by Dhanpat Rai Publications, is a comprehensive introductory textbook to the subject. It comprises of the fundamental concepts in Electromagnetics, Electrostatics, Plane Electromagnetic Waves, Maxwell’s Equation, and Transmission L..
Rs.52.00 Rs.130.00
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Model: sg13686
Contents : 1 Water Technology, 2 Fuels, 3 Gaseous State, 4 Thermo chemistry, 5 The Phase Rule, 6 Catalysis, 7 Practical, 8 Question Papers, 9 Index...
Rs.120.00 Rs.275.00
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Model: sg91
Engineering Graphics and Drafting by P.S Gill for Engineering exams also used for various competitive exams ..
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Model: sg101
Engineering Mathematics by N.P Bali for engineering exams 3rd sem also used for various competitive exams...
Rs.70.00 Rs.175.00
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Model: sg83
Engineering Mathematics by N.P Bali for Engineering exams also useful for various competitive exams and Interviews ..
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Model: sga16737
Engineering Physics Vol-2 by Devraj Singh..
Rs.70.00 Rs.175.00
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Model: SGCi52
Responding to the requests of database professors nationwide,the leading textbook for the introductory database management course is being fully revised in time for the startof Fall 1999 classes. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Third Edition is updated to reflect the latest developments indatabase..
Rs.290.00 Rs.500.00
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Model: sg138451
This book is written in a friendly-student style, to introduce digital concepts and basic design techniques of digital circuit. It is well balanced between theory and practice and covers topics from binary numbers and logic gates to K-maps, variable mapping, counter design etc. Each chapter includes..
Rs.170.00 Rs.295.00
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Model: sga16730
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by Gopal K Dubey..
Rs.204.00 Rs.510.00
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Model: sg13718
Fundamentals Of Electrical Engineering & Electronics by S.K. Sahdev..
Rs.120.00 Rs.275.00
Ex Tax:Rs.120.00
Model: sg13684
Content1. Introduction2. Number System and Digital Electronics3. Microprocessor Architecture4. Instruction Set of Intel 80855. Programming of Microprocessors6. Examples of Assembly Language Programs7. Peripheral Devices and Their Interfacing8. Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition System9. Microproc..
Rs.104.00 Rs.235.00
Ex Tax:Rs.104.00
Model: sg832
DescriptionIn a breezy, easy-to-understand style this book offers a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts, and helps readers apply this conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving. It offers a unique combination of authoritative content and stimulating applications. A..
Ex Tax:Rs.302.00